1. 西华师范大学物理与天文学院 南充 637002;2. 中国科学院紫金山天文台 南京 210023) ;3. Leibniz-Institut f\"ur Astrophysik Potsdam Potsdam Germany D-14482;4. 浙江大学物理学系 杭州 310058
青海省重大科技专项(2019-ZJ-A10), 四川省科技计划(2020YFSY0034)资助
1. School of Physics and Astronomy, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637002;2. Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210023;3. Leibniz-Institut f\"ur Astrophysik Potsdam, Potsdam Germany D-14482;4. Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058;
古慧,王鹏,徐迎中,罗志全,曲涵,戴才萍.卫星星系的数目与中央星系性质关系的研究[J].天文学报,2022,63(4):45. GU Hui, WANG Peng, XU Ying-zhong, LUO Zhi-quan, QU Han, DAI Cai-ping. Study on the Relationship between the Number Distribution of Satellite Galaxies and the Properties of Central Galaxies[J]. Acta Astronomica Sinica,2022,63(4):45.