
1. 中国科学院紫金山天文台暗物质与空间天文重点实验室 南京 210023;2. 中国科学技术大学天文与空间科学学院 合肥 230026






Dither Pattern and Results of Inflight Flat-field Calibration of the Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope onboard ASO-S Mission

1. Key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy, Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210023;2. School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026;

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    获得真实的日面观测图像, 是用户基于太阳望远镜开展科学和应用研究的基础, 而平场定标是科学数据生产过程中的必要步骤之一, 因为平场定标可以扣除太阳望远镜在成像过程中产生的不均匀性. ``夸父一号'又名先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)卫星的载荷之一, 莱曼阿尔法太阳望远镜(Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope, LST), 包括3台科学仪器, 具体来说是由一个双波段太阳日冕仪(Solar Corona Imager, SCI)以及白光太阳望远镜(White-light Solar Telescope, WST)和莱曼阿尔法全日面太阳成像仪(Solar Disk Imager, SDI)这两个全日面太阳望远镜构成. WST和SDI的探测器是互补金属氧化物半导体\lk (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor, CMOS), 其平场本身的主要特征是由于激光退火造成的条纹结构, 当CMOS探测器在紫外波段使用时会产生一定的衰减与辐射损伤, 并且探测器上的水汽凝结和有机物的积累等污染, 也会对所得平场产生一定影响. 主要展示了ASO-S卫星发射两年多来, 载荷LST的两个仪器WST和SDI在轨平场定标时使用的偏摆方案及其优化以及获得的平场图像和其随时间的演化情况等, 并简要地介绍了WST和SDI探测器随时间的衰减和辐射损伤情况.


    Before being used for scientific research, images obtained by solar telescopes with digital detector must be corrected for flat-field, which reflects the non-uniformity coming from the non-uniform transmission efficiency of optical components and response of detector pixels. That means flat-field correction is a necessary step in the pipe-line of high-level scientific data. As one of the three payloads of the Kuafu-1 (Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory: ASO-S, Chinese name Kuafu-1) mission, the Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope (LST) consists of three scientific instruments: including a dual-waveband Solar Corona Imager (SCI), and two full-disk solar telescopes which named the White-light Solar Telescope (WST) and the Solar Disk Imager (SDI). WST and SDI use Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) as image sensors, and the main feature of the flat field is the stripe structure caused by laser annealing. When used in the ultraviolet wavelengths, CMOS sensors will subject to certain degradation and radiation damage, as well as the pollution of water vapor condensation and organic matter accumulation, which will have some influence on the obtained flat field. This paper mainly presents the dither pattern and its optimization used by WST and SDI in the in-flight flat field calibration since the launch of ASO-S satellite on 9 October 2022, the computed flat field images and their evolution during the period. We also briefly present the dector degradation and radiation damage of WST and SDI.


李敬伟,黎辉,封莉,李瑛,黄宇,李友平,赵洁,卢磊,应蓓丽,薛建朝,葛蕴翊,张萍,宋得朝,李巧,李舒婷,田俊,李根,刘骁锋,史广禄,单家辉,荆志辰,田正圆,周玥,甘为群.``夸父一号'卫星莱曼阿尔法太阳望远镜在轨平场定标偏摆方案及结果[J].天文学报,2025,(1):10. LI Jing-wei, LI Hui, FENG Li, LI Ying, HUANG Yu, LI You-ping, ZHAO Jie, LU Lei, YING Bei-li, XUE Jian-chao, GE Yun-yi, ZHANG Ping, SONG De-chao, LI Qiao, LI Shu-ting, TIAN Jun, LI Gen, LIU Xiao-feng, SHI Guang-lu, SHAN Jia-hui, JING Zhi-chen, TIAN Zheng-yuan, ZHOU Yue, GAN Wei-qun. Dither Pattern and Results of Inflight Flat-field Calibration of the Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope onboard ASO-S Mission[J]. Acta Astronomica Sinica,2025,(1):10.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-02-04
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-24
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